Steadfast in the Faith
The apostle Peter wrote two letters to believers who had been driven out of Jerusalem and scattered throughout Asia Minor. Many had fled for their lives because of persecution for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter wrote 1 and 2 Peter to strengthen the believers and help them stand fast in the face of terrible treatment and potential death.
These letters are also addressed to us, as the “elect,” or chosen, of God our Father. Like the early scattered believers, we too need to be prepared for victory over suffering, no matter what trials we face.
Peter’s primary purpose in writing his letters is to exhort us to stand, or be steadfast, in the true grace of God. In this inductive overview of 1 and 2 Peter, he reminds us that Christ is our example of how to remain steadfast in suffering. He also reminds us of the soon return of our Lord and Savior and how this “blessed hope” should influence every aspect of our lives here on earth.
May these two short letters, full of golden nuggets of truth, strengthen you to remain steadfast in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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