Romans Commentary
The book of Romans has been called the constitution of Christianity and the Magna Carta of our faith. It has touched the hearts of many—Saint Augustine, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Billy Graham, Chuck Smith, to name a few. And no wonder—it shows us how to become righteous and get to heaven. Too often we try to develop righteous lives and gain entrance into heaven by going to church or reading our Bibles or doing good works. But righteousness doesn’t come by what we do or who we are—it comes by who we know. Only through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross can we be made righteous and get to heaven. Praise be to God! This is the good news of grace—and it’s what the book of Romans is all about. May we be drawn to the fullness of life in Christ as we study Paul’s letter to the believers in Rome.
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