James Commentary
The book of James is all about spiritual maturity.
James discusses many issues—trials, temptations, the tongue, patience and perseverance. But he doesn’t just teach about these things. He hits us right between the eyes, saying that we should be doers of the Word and not hearers only (see 1:22). Yes, we have to know the Word, but then we have to do what it says.
James deals more with duty than doctrine. In fact, he includes fifty-four commands in his letter’s 108 verses. If we truly have saving faith in Jesus, he writes, it will show in our lives. If we don’t bear fruit, we might have to ask whether our faith is genuine, as James 2:17 makes clear: “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” We need a faith that works.
The good news is, when God gives us do’s and don’ts, He also empowers us to do them! God “gives more grace” (4:6), enabling us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only.
If we desire to mature as believers, this commentary on the book of James will help us practically as we seek both to know and to live out the Word of God.
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